Monday, August 29, 2011

Time for the honesty...

Hello again,
As Nae said it's been some time.  For me this time has been one of interesting reflection.  Most of you who know me well understand that I am pretty idealistic and introspective about they way I process life.  I don't claim to be uber intelligent though I always aim to be eloquent.  
Sorry, that last bit was a rhyme for my friend Bruce...he loves puns and the like so I figured I'd add it in there for him ;)

But to be direct I often process my experiences with a mixture of self examination and talking with those that I trust and value.  Many of you are such people.  My buddy Cole who is really me but born on a farm in Iowa.  I can tell Cole anything and he sees through my BS even before I do.  Similar story with Nick and Dan.  Always calling me on my crap.  Nae obviously is my sounding board for everything.  Jordan, my bro and bestie for my entire life, offers great advice combined with understanding and love.  My Mom and Dad offer love and like-mindedness respectively.  The aforementioned Bruce from work along with Tyson from work as well.  There are so many who's opinions I value because they show me different parts of the whole picture.  

Since the last time I've posted I have had a chance to speak with most of those listed above and it is truly amazing how AMAZING they are.  But I digress (pretty sure any educator out there is going crazy right now);

1. I did not meet my goal of running every day for 30 days.  I did well and then experienced a road bump with vacation/injury.  Understandable I suppose but I have not run since so...epic fail.

A. (for those of you who don't know A=what we do about fixing 1)
I am recommitting to the next 30 days of running.  I am formulating this a little differently tho.  I will be mailing a copy of a contract to 7 lucky individuals.  This contract will be for their keeping.  It is a contract that requires they call me or txt me on a specified day of each week concerning the accountability portion of my commitment.  Don't worry, for those of you who don't get a contract feel free to call or txt at any time.   

I will be posting a copy of the Contract I am sending out for your perusal.  With each contract will be a personalized letter outlining the reasons for why I chose that person...those will not be posted ;)

Thank you for visiting today.  More to come regardless of whether or not you want or plan on reading because in the immortal words of the Wedding Singer "one more outburst from you sir and i will strangle you with my microphone cord."  Obviously I can't strangle you, and most likely wouldn't, but the point is it's my blog and I do what I want...just ask Nae

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