Saturday, July 16, 2011

Greetings from the Interior

Renae: "we should start a blog"
Jared: "who would want to read it...?"
Renae: "does it matter"
Jared: "never has one's is going to read it"
Renae: "our moms will"
Jared: "my mom also wanted to come to my men's league games too..."
Renae: "...point taken"

So this is approximately how this whole thing started.  For a while now Nae and I have been talking about how we need to branch out. We have dreamed of having a cooking show, running a group home, and even of traveling the world.  From a financial perspective the blog was the most feasible.  

When beginning new adventures (the Dominican team from Coulee can attest) I have always found it most entertaining (and very often enlightening) to write down a list of expectations.  I will mandate that Nae does the same so there is a pretty good chance that it won't happen but who's to say.

So for those of you who like short reads I appreciate your ADHD and empathize.  
For those of you looking for wisdom and insight you obviously stumbled here by accident and stopped reading when Nae said "we should..." 
And finally for our mothers who will read this regardless of the ineptitude of its authors we love you both deeply and appreciate your blind appraisal.


  1. Of course I'll read it too :-) And Jared, good luck getting Nae to write.
    "How may I be of service of you?" Keep writing!

  2. So very far from inept my dears. I did realize men's league was taking it a bit too far, however I WOULD still enjoy watching you that a bad thing? :)

  3. Who will read your blog?? Your cousin who is halfway across the world and spending her first summer without the Heesch's in the Dells! Excited I can keep updated on your family while I'm away : )

    And you will be surprised who stumbles upon your blog...I had an email from a girl in Japan who read my blog and it was the sweetest thing ever!
