Wednesday, July 27, 2011

True Love...or Crochet'd Pants

For those of you who know me well this is no surprise.  For those of you who know true love, again no surprise.  What surprising is how how True Love (TL) = Crochet'd Pants (CP).  

In summation if TL=CP then CS (Crochet'd Suit)=???

It all began when I was in college.  It was my 2nd year (notice I didn't say sophomore year because one might argue that I had a couple) in school and Nae's first.  We spoke on the room phones quite a bit with calling cards as I did not have a cell phone.  Shut up all of you who grew up with one ;)  Over the course of these long years of dialing for 5-8 minutes before actually speaking to my darling Nae and I had to keep busy.  I often played Halo on my xbox, much to her shagrin, and she kept busy with crochet.  Naturally I told Nae that I needed crochet'd pants.  This is where things get interesting.  Renae absolutely thought that the idea was ridiculous which naturally means that I want them even more.  The long and short is that she spend hours and hours making them and I love them. 
To be clear...
I am not allowed to wear them in public around or near Renae
I am not allowed to wear them in Nae's presence
They are not to be seen generally speaking

These rules are inviolate but often broken none-the-less but so is marriage.  The thing that floors me to this day is the fact that Nae has agreed to make a whole suit of crochet'd.  Suit = Vest and Hat minimum.

The answer to my original quandry is;
CS = Happiness 

Enjoy my pants :)

1 comment:

  1. That's a super creative spelling of crocheted.

    And I think these should be worn to work on a casual day.
