Sunday, July 24, 2011

What does sleep really do?

So I'm sitting here in our basement watching friends and trying to cool down. Our A/C broke earlier this week - so it's incredibly hot and humid in our house. Everybody is feeling - especially poor Dori. Not exactly looking forward to another night of sleeping in the guest bed with Jaden in his portacrib down here. But such is life. I'm hoping we can get the A/C fixed or that the weather will break soon!

But on to other things. We had a bit of a crazy weekend. Jared worked all day on Friday and then went to a ministry event on Friday night. Didn't get home until 11. Dad came over Friday night and we worked in the bathroom. Saturday morning Jaden and I drove to SD for Crystal & Jon's wedding (my friend from college). Jared worked all day and then went on a fishing trip with the boys. Dad finished the bathroom. We got home this afternoon after spending 12 hours in the car in the past two days. Jaden was such a trooper - he didn't get crabby until the last hour. He was such a great traveler and behaved quite well at the wedding and reception. Which was very nice by the way. Great to see old college friends and reconnect.

However, all of our traveling really screwed up my son's sleep schedule. He's not on a regimented schedule by any means, but generally naps twice during the day and goes to bed around 8:00. Usually wakes up around 7:00 - 7:30 every morning. Staying up until 11:00, getting up later, and napping too much in the car doesn't do much for an infant. Now he is trying to go sleep tonight and having troubles.

If sleep is so important to babies, why do we as adults think it doesn't matter? Anyone that has been around kids can attest to the fact that without sleep, a child simply cannot function. Makes me wonder - what is it about sleep that totally controls our life? Without my 8 hours, I really struggle to make it through a day. Why did God create us to need sleep so much? People always say, "I can sleep when I'm dead" as an excuse for not getting sufficient sleep now. But are they really destroying themselves? Just some thoughts for the evening. Myself, I'm a little screwed up with my schedule too. I'm hoping to go to bed early tonight and try and gets some extra zzz's to make up for lost time.

One other note - we are thinking about breeding our chocolate lab soon. Anyone interested in a puppy? Think on it...

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